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Updated: Jul 11, 2019

A Powerful Three-Letter Word

I remember the days of my children asking me why for just about any reason. Why is the sky blue? Why we were having spaghetti for dinner? Or why snow melted? You get the idea. Today, after hearing Jon Gordon, one of my favorite authors, speak about a different why I reflected with child-like wonder on this powerful three-letter word. He says: “There will be days when we get up when we don’t feel very positive. That’s where we need to tap into a greater purpose that gives us something to be positive about. We don’t get burned out because of what we do, we get burned out because we forget why we do it. Remember your WHY.”

Purpose, or your why, can help you when you are feeling burnt out. As we all chase the elusive and impossible work-life balance, we need to refocus on what is important about the work we do, personally and professionally. I say impossible, because imagine the energy it would take to have and maintain perfect balance! If we give up on the illusion of perfect balance and spend more time on our why, we can discover what is making us feel burnt out and turn our thoughts to positivity. 

As we all chase the elusive and impossible work-life balance, we need to refocus on what is important about the work we do, personally and professionally.

If you can find the why, or the purpose and motivation behind the work it makes the effort and long-term impact much more meaningful. My why as a mom has been to raise happy, loving, and Spirit-filled children. My why as a professional is to develop leaders and help organizations and individuals reach their full potential, by filing them with hope, positivity, and encouragement. 

What is your why? If you aren’t sure, take some time to reflect; you’ll find it.

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